Characteristics of brownies from mocaf flour (modified cassava flour) and black soybean flour (Glycine soja)
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Hari Hariadi
Cahya Edi Wahyu Anggara
Atia Fizriani
Judiono Judiono
Ati Atul Quddus
Widiawati Widiawati
Ilman Wibawa
Adhi Susilo
Eko Yuliastuti Endah Sulistyawati
Athiefah Fauziyyah
Brownies are one of the most popular types of cakes. Diversification efforts are made with mocaf flour combined with composite flour from black soybeans which is applied to making brownies. The purpose of this study is to determine the physical characteristics (color and texture) and sensory values, chemical and functional characteristics. The study was conducted using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four treatments and three replications. Each treatment is a comparison of the composition of flour in use in the production of brownies. Among the treatments were: A (100% mocaf flour), B (50% mocaf flour: 50% black soybean flour), C (40% mocaf flour: 60% black soybean flour), and D (60% mocaf flour: 40% Black soybean flour). The results showed that the variation of the mixture of mocaf flour and black soybean flour affected the physical characteristics of brownies with hardness values between 31.37gf - 50.97gf, and L color values between 37.85 - 54.22; value a* 42.99 – 32.62; and the value of b* 21.68 – 12.47. The most preferred brownie formulation is in formulation A with variations of 100% mocaf flour and 0% black soybean flour. In the chemical and functional aspects, the brownie formulation in formula C with a variation of 40% mocaf flour and 60% black soybean flour has a protein value of 15.85%, antioxidant activity of 13.813 g/ml, and a glycemic index value of 46.2 and the glycemic load of both samples belong to the high category.
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Hari Hariadi , National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Research Center of Appropriate Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Cahya Edi Wahyu Anggara , National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Research Center of Appropriate Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Atia Fizriani , Garut University, Indonesia
Garut University, West Java, Indonesia
Judiono Judiono , The Health Polytechnic of Bandung, Indonesia
The Health Polytechnic of Bandung, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia
Ati Atul Quddus , Indonesian Cooperative University, Indonesia
Indonesian Cooperative University, West Java, Indonesia
Widiawati Widiawati , Pasundan University, Indonesia
Master of Food Engineering, Pasundan University, West Java, Indonesia
Ilman Wibawa , Pasundan University, Indonesia
Master of Food Engineering, Pasundan University, West Java, Indonesia
Adhi Susilo , Open University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Open University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Eko Yuliastuti Endah Sulistyawati , Open University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Open University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Athiefah Fauziyyah , Open University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Open University of Indonesia, Indonesia