The role of biodiversity in adaptation to climate change: a review
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Girma Gizachew
Biodiversity and well-functioning ecosystems provide natural solutions that foster resilience, thereby assisting society in adapting to the negative effects of climate change. Through conducting a thorough review on maintaining and restoring native ecosystems, agrobiodiversity, landscape connectivity, and protected areas, this project aims to achieve its objective. Biodiversity is the variety of all living organisms on the planet. To examine the role of biodiversity in climate change adaptation, 55 distinct sources, including 50 peer-reviewed publications and 5 books, were utilized. The current analysis identifies sustainable management of biodiversity as an essential climate change adaptation strategy because species and genetically diverse ecosystems have a greater capacity to adjust to climate change. Furthermore, such measures boost the climate change resilience of ecosystems. So that they can continue to provide ecosystem services, hence facilitating the supply of alternate means of subsistence in the face of climate change. Many of these studies assume that biodiversity and climate change are tightly interconnected due to their mutual impacts. For instance, human-induced climate change poses a threat to biodiversity, but biodiversity resources can mitigate the effects of climate change on populations and ecosystems. However, a large number of research also point to context-dependent adaptation techniques that can be either positive or harmful depending on the circumstances. The majority of research has been undertaken on the poorest or most vulnerable households, with a primary focus on small islands and mountains, whereas other ecosystem products have been mostly neglected. Consequently, an essential strategy for conserving biodiversity and human well-being entails measures that are kept flexible in order to better adapt human societies to climate change, as well as biodiversity education and training activities that are superior at distributing innovative techniques.
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Girma Gizachew , Jimma University, Ethiopia
Department of Natural Resource Management, Colleague of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia